St. Thomas Aquinas High School
√ 3번째로 좋은 사립이다 √ 중3이상 ~고2 미만 학생에게 추천 √ 학업 능력이 우수하며 모범적이고 , 예술,체육감각이 뛰어난 학생에게 추천 √ 비교적 규모도 큰편이여서 대학진학을 목표로 하는 학생에게 추천 √ 다양한 활동을 하고자 하는 학생에게 추천 √ 자매 학교 : St Elizabeth Seton School Rochester, NH - PK - 8 St Mary Academy Dover,NH -PK-8 St Patrick School Portmouth,NH - PK-8 Sacred Heart School Hampton,NH-Pk-8 후 진학 유리
등록기관 √ National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) √ New England Association of Schools and Colleges √ New Hampshire Department of Education
학년수 √ Grade 9 - 190 students √ Grade 10 - 183 students √ Grade 11 - 171 students √ Grade 12 - 173 students
년간 국적 비율
학생:선생 비율
AP 코스 : :English Language, English Literature, Calculus I (AB), Calculus II (BC), Statistics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, U.S. Government and Politics, U.S. History, and Music Theory
HONOR코스 :English, Accelerated, Integrated Math (consisting of Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II), Algebra II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Freshman Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Western Civilization, U.S. History, French III, French IV, French V, Latin III, Latin IV, Spanish III, Spanish IV, Spanish V, and Studio Art.
음악및예술관련클럽내용 :Jazz band. Drama. Visual Art. Theater. Etc
스포츠 클럽 : Volleyball, Swimming, Alpine Skiing, Women's Ice Hockey, Lacrosse (Men's and Women's), competes in Division 5 Football.
졸업 요구사항 Arts and fine arts (art, music, dance, drama), Christian ethics, electives, English, foreign language, freshman seminar, mathematics, prayer/spirituality, science, scripture, social justice, social studies (includes history), theology, world religions, 40 hour community service requirement
대학진학과정 181 students graduated in academic year; 173 went to college, including Providence College; Rochester Institute of Technology; Saint Anselm College; University of Maine; University of New Hampshire. Other: 4 entered a postgraduate year, 4 had other specific plansMean SAT critical reading: 571, mean SAT math: 568, mean SAT writing: 568
학비 Tuition for the 2009-10 school year is $9,450. St. Thomas families have three options for paying tuition; Single Payment, Semi-Annual Payment and the 10-Month Payment Plan.