Open Door Christian Academy


√ 초5~중2학년 까지 학교

√ 중학교 2학년 학생 경우 1년후 고등학교로 진학용 학교

√ 첫 유학 , 단기 유학 학교


1260 Ft. Washington Ave., Fort Washington, PA, 19034



Grades Prekindergarten - 8


Montgomery County, PA


설립:1975  / 침례교


데이스쿨 , 남녀 공학 ,교복



Nursery - 20 students

 Pre-K - 27 students

 Kind - 14 students

Grade 1 - 19 students

Grade 2 - 28 students

 Grade 3 - 18 students

 Grade 4 - 24 students

 Grade 5 - 20 students

 Grade 6 - 17 students

 Grade 7 - 23 students

 Grade 8 - 25 students


년간 국적 비율

Year White African Am. Hispanic Asian Amer. Indian Unspecified Total
2004 171 43 4 23 2 25 268
2006 122 56 3 34 0 33 248
2008 124 34 2 34 0 27 221


학생:선생 비율

Year Total students Fulltime teachers Student/Teacher Ratio
2004 243 14.6 16.6
2006 215 14.9 14.4
2008 194 14.0 13.8


1일 수업 시간 : 6시간


특별 활동:Arts -Band  /Sports- Basketball  ,P.E. classes ,Volleyball



 Lower School (Grades 1–5)


The elementary grades number 15 to 25 students per self-contained classroom. Strong emphasis is placed on studying and memorizing God's word, on the basic skill areas of reading, writing, listening, speaking and mathematics, and on specialized areas of art, music, and physical education.
Each lower school teacher is a qualified Christian educator with at least one degree from an accredited institution of higher learning. Some classes also have a skilled aide.
ODCA is characterized by order and friendliness in its lower school classrooms. Students are taught respect for one another, value individual differences, for personal property, and for those in authority.
A close relationship is maintained between parents and teachers for the benefit of each child.
Subjects taught are Bible, language arts and reading, mathematics, science, social studies, art, music, and physical education. All students attend weekly chapel.


 Middle School (Grades 6–8)

The middle school student is in a period of transition. This transition includes physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual changes. He/she also is in the midst of academic change. He/she is moving from an elementary level education to secondary level education. Open Door Christian Academy's middle school program seeks to minister to the special needs of students at this crucial stage in their development. It is our goal to provide a program that will help children of Christian parents develop Academic excellence as well as a Christian world view.
Students in grades 6–8 leave the self-contained classroom for the "homeroom system" in which academic subjects are taught by specialists. As in the lower school, classes are small to allow for efficient teacher-student interaction.
Necessary courses include Bible, English, reading and language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, computer, physical education, art, music and foreign language. All students attend chapel once a week.
Extracurricular activities, including music and sports, are important to promote Christian character and moral fitness, lifetime interest in other areas, and school spirit. Activities for both boys and girls include: choir, band, soccer, field hockey, basketball, softball, track and field.


√ International Student Program

During the 2002-2003 our school was approved by Immigration and Homeland Security to accept foreign students into our academic program. We have had children from Korea, Italy, Peru, Japan and China attend our school. We require these students to have English abilities, but also require their attendance in our ESL program offered during the school day. These children have enriched the diverse culture in our school. Foreign students who wish to apply should complete the I-20 Student Application, the Family Application, submit requested reference letters, and the application fee (currently $100/non-refundable). Upon acceptance we are able to issue an I-20 to qualified students for attendance at our school. We do not offer on-site housing. However, if you are unable to locate nearby housing – you may contact us to see if we have any available host families.


